Override student final grades

The Final Grade Override feature allows instructors the flexibility to manually give a final grade to students, rather than the Canvas calculated grade.


  • Override grades are manual entries. Automatic calculation is not possible.
  • CSV imports do not support override scores.
  • At least one assignment grade must be entered before entering an override grade. 
  • Letter grades can only be entered for courses using a course grading scheme.
    • The lowest percentage of a grade range is used when entering non-numeric values. For example, if the A- range is 90-93%, entering an A- will use 90% for the student.
  • Students see numeric and letter grades if the total course grade is visible to students and a course grading scheme is enabled. 

Enable Final Grade Override feature

  1. Go to the Gradebook.
  2. Click the settings gear in the upper right corner.
  3. Select the Advanced tab.
  4. Click the checkbox for Allow final grade override
    Grade override option in course settings

  5. Click Apply Settings.
  6. Refresh the page to see the Override column appear as the last column.
    Override column visible in Gradebook

Note: Once you start to override grades, students only see the Override grade. New assignment grades do not inform the override grade.

For more information, see the Final Grade Override guide