By default, videos in Panopto are not downloadable by students. Panopto Creators (those in Canvas with the Teacher, Course Admin, or TA role) can manually adjust the download setting to be available to students on three levels: main course folder, a specific subfolder or only specific videos.
Enable downloads for all videos
- Click on the Panopto Course Videos tab to get to the main course folder.
- Click on the three dot More actions icon in the upper right and select Settings. This opens the main course folder settings window and will default to the Overview tab.
- Select Settings and locate the Downloads section. By default this will be set to Admins, Videographers and Creators Only. Select Authenticated Users with Access to enable downloads for students.
Enable downloads for a specific folder(s)
- Select a subfolder.
- Click on the three dot More actions icon in the upper right and select Settings. This will open your subfolder settings window and will default to the Overview tab.
- Select the Settings link on the left and locate the Downloads dropdown. By default - this will be set to Admins, Videographers and Creators Only. Select Authenticated Users with Access.
Enable downloads for specific videos
- Hover over the video you’d like to make available for download and select the Settings icon.
- In the Overview tab, locate the Downloads section and select Authenticated Users with access.
- There is no save button. Your changes will be saved after clicking out of the dropdown.