Post grades/comments within SpeedGrader

You can Post Grades from the SpeedGrader to release grades and comments to all students or for a particular section or sections. If all grades/comments have been posted (or no grades/comments have been entered yet), there will be an eye icon with no slash in the upper left corner of the SpeedGrader. If any grades/comments are still hidden, the eye icon with slash will be displayed.

  1. Open SpeedGrader for the assignment.
  2. Click the eye with slash icon in the upper left corner.
  3. Select the Post Grades option.
    SpeedGrader Post Grades option

  4. Select either the Everyone option (current grades/comments and grades/comments entered afterward will be shown immediately) or the Graded option (only current grades/comments will be shown, grades/comments entered afterward will still be hidden).
    Option to choose to post grades to Everyone or only those graded

  5. To post grades/comments for a particular section (or sections), select the Specific Sections option, then select the desired sections.
  6. Click the Post button.

You can refer to the Full Guide for more information.