Add a course syllabus

Any syllabus added to the Syllabus tool of a Canvas course will appear in the Stanford Syllabus web site. By default, anyone at Stanford can view the syllabus on Stanford Syllabus, even if the Canvas course is not published.

Add a single file

  1. Go to the Syllabus tool.
  2. Click the Add Single File Only button.
    Add Single File Only button
  3. To upload a new file, use the my computer option, choose a file from your computer, then click the Add button.
  4. The I hold the copyright designation is appropriate for any content created by the instructor or teaching team. If the content was created by another source, use the drop-down menu to choose another option for copyright designation.Pop-up to add a file from computer or course Files
  5. To choose a file that was already uploaded to the Canvas course, select the my course's Files option and select the desired file.Replace syllabus content prompt


Add multiple files, inline text or embedded media

  1. Go to the Syllabus tool.
  2. Click the Edit (text, links, multiple files) button or the Edit button in the upper right of the page.
    Button to Edit (text, links, multiple files)
  3. You can then enter text within the rich content editor, add a link (or links), upload a file (or files) or embed images or media.Body of syllabus with text and Stanford S

Upload and embed links to files

Upload from device

  1. In the rich content editor, select the Insert tab, hover over Document, and choose the option for Upload Document. Or, you can click on the dropdown arrow next to the Document icon and select Upload Document. Both steps will take you to the same place.
    RCE with Insert, Document, Upload Document selected Dropdown with Upload Document selected

  2. Click Upload File and browse for the file or drag-and-drop your Syllabus file.
    Rocket ship to upload a new file
  3. Select a usage right setting, then click the Submit button.

Add from course Files

  1. If you have already uploaded your file to the Files tool, click on the Insert tab, hover over Document, and select Course Documents or click on the drop-down arrow next to the Documents icon and select Course Documents.
    RCE with Insert, Document, Course Documents selectedFile icon then Course Documents selected
  2. Find and click on your file.
    Panel listing course files including syllabus
  3. Scroll down and click the Update Syllabus button to save.
    update syllabus button

Expand syllabus file by default

If you'd like the Syllabus file expanded by default, follow the steps below.

  1. Go into the Edit view.
    Arrows pointing to two locations to edit syllabus
  2. Using your cursor, click on the embedded link.
  3. Select Link Options. A panel will open on the right side of the page. 
    Box with syllabus title ighlighted
  4. Choose the option to Preview inline and Expand Preview by Default
    List of options with Preview Inline and Expand Preview by Default selected
  5. Click Done.
  6. Click Update Syllabus. Refresh the page to see the syllabus file expanded by default.